Minggu, 15 November 2009


Behh..Judulnya gak enak bgt yah..

Hahha..iya,akhir2 minggu ini *hmm..kta2nya rada aneh* banyak banjet ulangan .. ih..ulangan kimia pake acara remidi segala..

yah...memang salah sya sendiri sih..pke malas belajar segala.

Trus juga tuh.tugas menumpuk minta diselesaikan dengan tangan sya yg lembut ini *cihh*

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Fan Fic

Hey.. gw mau buat fanfic tapi gak tau apa yg bagus... :)

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009


Entah mengapa tiba tiba jadi pengen nge'post pics nya abang archie.. Oh iya,follow yah twitter nya dia Twitter abang archie
Aihh...dijamin deh,kalo lo ngeliat status dia,lo bakal senyum-senyum sendiri .. hehehe..
ok langsung saja kita liat pics nya.. :))

Nah...ini nih..setuju bgt kalo archie sama selena.. Hahaha... Dalena .. http://www.emocutez.com

Jreng..Jreng.. MySpace *just edited* :)

Cool deh gayanya.. :Dhttp://www.emocutez.com

Rajin belajar ya nak....

With Miranda Cosgrove .. http://www.emocutez.com

Ngapain bang?? MySpace

Nah...itu aja deh...byebyebyebyebye http://www.emocutez.com

Another Alayers Story :)

Koreksi dirimu sebelum kamu jadi ALAY SEJATI.
"ALAY" itu..

1. selalu ngerasa paling tau tentang musik.
2. tongkrongannya di pinggir pinggir jalan (yang cewek godain cowok,yang cowok godain cewe yang lagi lewat)
3. kalo di mall selalu bawa handshet buat dengerin lagu lewat handphone(suka pamer ga jelas & sok asik gitu deh).
4. sok EMO tapi ditanya sejarahnya emo ga tau.
5. sok pengen 'gaul' mau ngikutin tren yang sekarang tapi terlalu LEBAY (cth: nge-mix baju ga kira kira ; baju ijo,celana kotak kotak,sepatu merah,kacamata biru! NORAK !)
6. dimana mana SELALU ada acara yg namanya 'putu putu narziz' (entah itu di sekolah,WC,mobil,kamar,stasiun ,angkot,dll).
7. fotonya ga nahan smua! (dengan gaya di imut imutin,dideketin lampu biar 'terang bgt',foto deket bgt dari wajah *biar jeleknya ga keliatan*,foto dari atas *biar kelihatan keren kali ya*,dll..pokoknya yang bisa bikin ENEG semua orang)(kamera VGA aj sok sokan)
8. buat cewek tiap hari kerjaannya ngomongin ttg cowooooooooo mulu! (cth: eh tau ga si A tadi gini loh sama gue hahaha lucu bgt ya? *ga lucu!)(yah pokoknya sok pamer gitu deh*berasa cantik)
9. buat cowok..tiap hari kerjaannya cari musuh(ribut) mulu sama temen temen cowoknya yg lain *biar dianggep keren gituw*
10. di facebook/friendster.. bagi yang cewek di ff nya majang cowok cowok ganteng semua *meski ga kenal,biar dianggep cantik & gaull* kalo yg cowok ya majang ffnya cewek semua*walau ga kenal* biar dikata cowok ganteng. IH JIJAY!
11. T U L I S A N
- iya : ia
- kamu: kamuh,kammo,kamoh,kamuwh,kamyu,qamu,etc
- aku : akyu,aq,akko,akkoh,aquwh,etc
- maaf: mu'uph,muphs,maav,etc
- sorry: cowyie,cory,tory(?),etc
- add : ett,etths,aad,edd,etc
- for : vo,fur(zz),pols,etc
- lagi : agi,agy
- makan: mums,mu'umhs,etc
- lucu : lutchuw,uchul,luthu,etc
- siapa: cppa,cp,ciuppu,siappva,etc
- apa : uppu,apva,aps,etc
- narsis: narciezt,narciest,etc
- tulisannya gede kecil dan pake angka (idihh)
&&& masih bnyak lagi!
12. suka ngirim bulbo ga jelas di fs/fb :"akko onlenndh dcnniih" ato "ayokk perang cummendh cmma saiia" etc (paling parah lagi kalo ngirim bulbo dengan judul "BAJINGAN" tapi isinya kosong!) ih kampret bner deh tu orang orang alay.
13. menganggap dirinya eksis di friendster/facebook (kalo comments banyak itu berarti anak gaul jadi lomba banyak-banyakan comment) *please deh ga bgt! emang kenapa coba kalo commentnya banyak?dapet rekor muri ya? ga penting bgt deh..
14. kalo ada org yg cuman view profil di fs kita , kita bilang gini : "hey cuman view nih?" ato "heey jgn cuman view doang,add dong! (kalo emang segitu pentingnya orang nge-ADD buat kita..kenapa kita ga nge-ADD dia waktu kita mau ngasih testi?)-__-
15. friendster dipenuhi glitter-glitter norak yang pastinya bisa ngerusak retina mata zz
16. nama friendster/facebook mengagung -agungkan diri sendiri,seperti : pRinceSs cuTez,sHa luccU,tIkka cAntieqq,etc. (pede bgt sih?)
17. kata /singkatan selalu diakhiri huruf z/s (cth : nama adalah talitra,dbuat jadi : talz. nama adalah niken,dibuat jadi qens..dsb!)
18. foto di friendster/facebook bisa nyampe 300 lebih padahal cuman foto DIRINYA SENDIRI
19. suka menghina orang lain yang ga sama kaya dia.

Kamu alay? ato BUKAN?

1. nulis kata disingkat, seperti "lagi apa?" gi pha?? atau bosen banget jadi "bsen bgd nh"
2. memakai simbol tambahan. "p@ k@bar L0e??" atau "~hha..~ y nh.. lg bosen~"
3. menggunakan huruf Z dibelakang kata. "mlz bgtz!" atau "gurunya malezin yh"
4. comment orang dengan minta balasan kaya "repp iah!" / "blz dum" / "reply dsini iiaaa"
5. layoutnya yang super rame bahkan berfotmat gif (gerak) dengan warna ngejrenk pinkk fontnya yang anehlah

1. aboutme panjaaaang banget dengan gambar dari myspace yang gajelas pake isi gr-gr an kaya "aq tuh.... cntik.... lucu.... punya cowo ganteng..." zzz dan sebagainyalah lo tau kan
2. penggantian kata! gue / gw / gua = w, lo / lu = lw / loe. dong = dumzz / dwunhh
3. foto serba diediiiiit abis apalagi yang editnya emo emo pake tulisan gothic gitu
4. mediabox dipenuhin dengan gambarrrrrr

1. mamerin kebisaan dishotout, misalnya "eh w kan menang track motor lohh.." atau "eh w les nyetir dong.." dan yang lebih oon nya "eh w makin oke dan top ya tiap hari" (halah)
2. rusuhin comment foto. misalnya cuma dicomment "cantik deh/ganteng deh" balesnya "emg gw gnteng gtuu... y krna trlahir dh ganteng kli ya?? hha. dan kyanya..........blabalabla"
3. nickname digabung sama nama org yang disuka dengan cara gajelas. misalnya (kalo namanya sama maaf ya) "delita saiianks si luthuu.." atau "delita cinta dya" gitulah ya aezzz...
4. bikin album yang isinya artis favorit mereka. contoh "kangen band khuzuz loh!!" apalagi albumnya pake dikunci, yah capedeh!!

1. barang abal yang dipamerin ketemen terus dia ngaku beli di singapore. amrik . dan sbgainya. "eh liat nih gue beli gelang dijerman gituloh asli kalo ga salah sih dirupiahin 500 ribu ya." padahal dia beli di itc aja!! yang 10 ribu 5 hahaha.
2. tulisan gede-kecil. "aLoW kLiAnZ hArUz ADd GwE YaH!!" atau dengan angggka "K4Ng3nZ dWEcChh" NNNNNZZZZZ
3. minta di add di shotout, "j9n lupa ett ghw"
4. gaya dengan bibir monyong, telunjuk nempel bibir, gaya tangan dengan oke dipinggir kepala dan foto dari atas
5.nge post bulbo cuma buat kasih tau dia lagi online & minta comment
Tingkatan mana lo masuk?

Thanks to : Cintya/ Click Ochien Jonas

Lo Alay gak sih??

Nah..ini dia ciri-ciri anak alay..

1. fotonya ga nahan smua! (dengan gaya di imut imutin,dideketin lampu biar 'terang bgt',foto deket bgt dari wajah *biar jeleknya ga keliatan*,foto dari atas *biar kelihatan keren kali ya*,dll.. pokoknya yang bisa bikin ENEG semua orang)

2. usernamenya mengagung -agungkan diri sendiri,
seperti : pRinceSs cuTez,sHa luccU,tIkka cAntieqq,etc. (pede bgt sih?)

3. kata /singkatan selalu diakhiri huruf z/s (cth : nama adalah talitra,dbuat jadi : talz. nama adalah niken,dibuat jadi qens.. "mlz bgtz!" atau "gurunya malezin yh" dsb!)

4. kalo sms ke orang dengan minta balasan kaya "repp iah!" / "blz dum" / "reply dsini iiaaa" / "Lzzzz"

5. biasanya para alay itu ga pede pake nama asli mereka. mereka selalu pake nama samaran dgn gaya penulisan yg aneh". dann emg bener bgt klo fs itu uda jd sarangnya para alay.
so, let’s keep our facebook free and clean from alay then

6. sedikit menuju ke arah ketidaknormalan padahal dia normal.
ckckck -___-

7. Nah kalo alay main Facebook : misalnya alay nya cowo terus nge add cewe, pas abis di add dia sok kenalan deh ngomong begini ‘SaLam kNaL YuPz NaMa guW RaYY’
Dasar goblok padahal di atas udah ada nama dia sendiri. sumpah sok IMOET banget tuh alay, cuih cuih D:

8. Nama jelek sok sok ga terima dan mengganti dengan nama yang sedikit eropa padahal namanya ndeso. :P

9. jika anda perhatikan aksesoris mereka, memakai kalung rantai yg biasa d pake anjing, gelang yg astaga bnyknya kayak dukun gypsi, dan kadang ada juga yang pake rantai dompet penghubung dengan pantat mereka yang tujuannya entah untuk apa.

10. rambutnya pirang matahari, dan kayaknya bau deh.

11. naek motor pada blaga kebut"an ambil goyangin pantat biar dikira kayak pembalap. motorny ga pake spion, knalpot racing yg bikin kuping lo budek parah, ga lupa juga stiker ‘46' (biar dibilang valentino rossi kali ya?). biasanya dilakukan dengan efek menggoyang"kan pantatnya sesuai irama.

12. Suka smsan bgt! ratu hape ! gak bisa hidup tanpa hape!
( yeh.. tu hape 1 hari 200 sms abis bro! gmn ga smsan?)

13. suka bilang, "aqyuu jelek yah?" atau "aqyuu gendut? bodoh? etc."

14. cewe" STM dengan tas pink murahan dan suka godain cowo" STM yang sama alaynya (ya iyalah, sekasta)

15. pake tas diselempangin di punggung

16. ikat pinggang metal" ga jelas

17. Anak-anak kampung ini biasanya make baju yang kayak di
sinetron-sinetron, tapi biasanya makenya berlebihan, apalagi kalo yang
ceweknya, sangat-sangat berlebihan, pernak-pernik disana-sini, mirip
sama abang-abang yang jualan pernak-pernik yang sering keluyuran di
stasiun atau terminal, bedanya cuma cara kencingnya.

18. Suka nambah-nambahin kata seenak jidatnya yang jenongnya se-benua Afrika.

19. bahasa kelebihan huruf.
bahasa kelebihan huruf adalah bhasa yg biasa digunakan cewe cewe ucull gtu loh yg ngetiknya kyk gni loh .
"tenggss iiahh uddah ett akkoh"
wkwkwkwk itu kibordnya rusak apa ya WKWKWK jd keketiknya dobel kali ye !! .

20. bahasa x = y
wkwkwk macam rumus matematik ajalah ini. x jadi y. contoh !
"bxag xg maw akk crtain ke kmmo" "xMpein" "puX" "mexMbut"
ni orang kepinteran matematikanya kali ya jadi diganti y nya sama dia jd x !

21. bahasa mata uang
knapa gue bilang bahasa mata uang, soalnya orang" ini pada pake huruf kyk gini:
$ untuk S, ¥ untuk y, # untuk H dan @ untuk a.
kurang kerjaan bgt lah org yg ngetik mcm gini . D:
contohnya seperti dibawah ini:
"H@! kn@L@n yuKz"
bikin mata katarak dan jadi butek . D:

22. Sok Ngartis
(di statusnya: aduh besok syuting lagi, aduh syutingnya lama bgt yakk, duhh bsok pemotretan, dan sebagainya)

23. Korban Sinetron >>
suka niru kebiasaan tokoh sinetron.

* Korban Kepompong
suka ngomong 'ii . .wauw . . '

* Korban Cinta Laura
logat ngomongnya jadi ke barat baratan.

* Suka ngomong "plizzz degh!"

24. Ke sekolah pake rok ngatung. Padahal pant*tnya gede.

25. Kaos kaki warnanya shocking. Hahhah

26. Pake headband , Padahal ga pantes .

27. Kalau ketawa lebay. padahal ga lucu-lucu amat. -__-

28. Nyerobot giliran orang .
Ex: A lg baca buku. Eh si Alay langsung ngerampas tuh buku. Tapi udah di tangan, bukunya ga diapa apain. [disgusting] D:

29. suka nyoret" tembok sekolah, dengan tulisan Gede. BOLD kuadrat. Contoh tulisan :
-tanggal jadian. 290245~300309 never die . [ampun. Mau ngapain sih. Gaje. Ada yg peduli gitu?]

30. Suka pake rol rambut pas pelajaran. Kaya ibu kos. Bawa strikaan skalian !

31. Suka mangkal di kamar mandi. Ngaca, Nyisir, Bedak-an, Dan hal ga penting lainnya . -__-

32. Jari tengah sudah menjadi Andalan

33. Kurus kerempeng, suka memegang rambut dan bermuka bokat. D:

34. Sok kaya, sok imut, sok cantik, sok keren, sok gaul, sok techno padahal waktu ditanya kode HTML aja gak bisa.

35. Kolor boxer kemana-mana.

Nah lho....ada gak yang cocok sama lo ciri-cirinya??


Thanks to : Ghaisani Zessa yang udah ngijinin nge're-post

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Nick Jonas Bio

Nick Jonas Bio

Birthday: September 16, 1992

Birth Time: 3:39 am

Birthplace: Dallas, TX

Height: 5' 8"

Age: 16

Hobbies: music, song writing, baseball, collecting baseball cards, tennis

Favorite Color: royal blue

Favorite Food: steak

Favorite Sandwhich: Italian Hero

Favorite Pizza Topping: Cheese

Favorite Drink: Diet Coke

Favorite Candy: Sweetarts

Favorite Ice Cream: Cotton Candy

Favorite Fast Food: In & Out Burger

Favorite Song: "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder

Favorite Band: Switchfoot

Favorite Actor: Matt Long

Favorite Actress: Keri Lynn Pratt

Favorite Movie: Finding Neverland

Favorite Sport: Baseball

Favorite Baseball Player: Derek Jeter

Nick Jonas Facts:

His favorite superhero is Spiderman.
His favorite season is spring.
Has a little dipper on the side of his face.
Nick likes mint-chip flavored gelati.
Song writing is Nick’s way of letting his feelings out.
Nick naturally has brown hair and brown eyes.
The subject Nick likes the least is math.
Nick would rather text a girl than call her.
He doesn’t mind being called “the one with the curly hair”.
Nick is Christian.
His toothbrush is yellow.
According to Kevin, Nick can’t stand it if someone wears his socks, he flips out and its “funny”.
Faith is very important to his entire family.
Nick’s purity ring has ‘Poned’ inscribed on it which means ‘to be let down or disappointed’.
He was discovered in a barbershop while getting his haircut.
Once lost his purity ring and got a new one made at Disney World.
His nickname is Nick J.
Some people say “Nick J is off the chain.”
His favorite drink is 7-11’s Slurpees.
His favorite sandwich is an Italian Hero.
His favorite fast food restaurant is McDonald’s.
His favorite movie is Finding Neverland.
His favorite song is “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder.
Nick has an iPod Nano.
He hates it when a girl is afraid to eat in front of him.
He loves Red Bull (an energy drink).
His most prized possession is his golf set.
He can breakdance.
When Nick was in the Broadway play Beauty and The Beast, he played Chip.
He has a sidekick (cellphone) and he got it decorated.
Nick can juggle.
Nick’s cologne is Abercrombie.
Nick wrote the song “S.O.S.” based on a past experience.
The thing Nick must have in the studio is Hershey’s chocolate.
Like Kevin and Joe Jonas, Nick wears a purity ring.
Nick’s favorite song to play in concert is “Year 3000.”
He once missed a family vacation to be in a Broadway play.
Nick was originally going to have a solo album but when the record company heard about his brothers (Joe and Kevin’s) musical talent they formed the band “the Jonas Brothers”.
His Chinese horoscope sign is the monkey.
His favorite ice cream is cotton candy.
His favorite actors are Matt Long and Keri Lynn Pratt from Jack and Bobby.
His favorite sport is baseball.
Nick’s favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.
He and his brothers (Jonas Brothers) are spokespeople for “Baby Bottle Pops”.
Nick keeps his closet surprisingly clean.
Nick loves Green Tea Frappuccinos.
Nick’s favorite candy is Sweet Tarts and gummy worms.
If he were a crayon he says he would be the color, Royal Blue.
His favorite cereal is Cheerios.
His favorite singer is Stevie Wonder and his favorite band is Switchfoot.
His most ticklish spot is his feet.
His favorite food is steak.
He is the youngest member of his band, The Jonas Brothers.
Nick wrote the song Please Be Mine. This was when the idea of Kevin and Joe [Jonas] joining Nick with his record deal came up.
Nick plays the guitar, drums and keyboard.
Some of his hobbies includes playing baseball, collecting baseball cards, tennis, songwriting and music.
Nick enjoys watching Lost and the Sports Center on ESPN.
Nick’s favorite color is blue.
Nick has three brothers, Kevin, Joe and Frankie.
Nick has Type 1 Diabetes. He was diaganosed in 16/11/2005 while he was out on tour.
Nick’s most prized possession is an Olympic Gold Medal.
Nick’s celebrity crush is Miley Cyrus, and once dated her in summer of 2006.
His hidden talent is playing the drums.
The first thing Nick notices in a girl is her eyes.
As of 2007, Nick is 5′6″ (1.68 m).
There is a code on the dog tag; which identifies Nick. This is so that if he ever gets into any sort of accident, and needs to be taken to the hospital, they know that he has diabetes. This way, they know not to give him certain medications that can be harmful to his body because of diabetes. When they put the code into the computer at the hospital, they get Nick’s medical history. Everyone with Type 1 Diabetes gets one of these, and it is their choice whether they are going to wear it or not.
Kevin said that Nick could drink up to 30 cans of Diet Coke in a day and still want more.
The Jonas Brothers also have music videos for “Mandy” and “Baby Bottle Pop” theme.
(In mandy, Nick almost gets hit by a car) There are 3 “Episodes” of mandy!
Nick said in a live chat, that he hates spiders.
Nick thinks Jordan Pruitt is pretty.
Nick’s iPhone ringtone is the
James Bond
007 theme song

Rabu, 23 September 2009

Lirik lagu selena gomez - fly to your heart

Huahahahaha....*jelek bgt pembukanya* ..ak lg ska bgt sama ini lagu..asik bgt nadanya..

Watch all the flowers
Dance with the wind
Listen to snowflakes
Whisper your name
Feel all the wonder
Lifting your dreams
You can fly

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find
Your wings
To your heart

Touch every rainbow
Painting the sky
Look at the magic
Glide through your life
A sprinkle of pixie dust
Circles the night you can fly

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find
Your wings

Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You'll be free to spread
Your wings

You can fly
To your heart
(Fly, fly)

Rise to the heights of all
You can be
(Fly, fly)

Soar on the hope of
Marvelous things

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find
Your wings

Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You'll be free to spread
Your wings
you can fly to your heart

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Demi Lovato - Gift Of A Friend

Ada satu lagi ..lagu yang buat gw tersentuh bgt... Yapp! "Gift Of A Friend" ..lagunya asik banget!

Sometimes You Think You'll Be Fine By Yourself,
'Cuz A Dream Is A Wish That You Make All Alone.
It's Easy To Feel Like You Don't Need Help,
But it's Harder To Walk On Your Own.

You'll Change Inside,
When You Realize.

The World Comes Alive And Everythings Right,
From Begining To End.
When You Have A Friend By Your side,
That Helps You To Find,
The Beauty you are When You Open Your Heart and Believe in,
The Gift Of A Friend.
(The Gift Of A Friend)

Someone Who Knows When Your Lost And Your Scared,
There For The Highs and the lows.
Someone to count on someone who cares.
Beside You Wherever you go.

You'll Change Inside,
When You Realize.

The World Comes Alive And Everythings Right,
From Begining To End.
When You Have A Friend By Your side,
That Helps You To Find,
The Beauty you are When You Open Your Heart and Believe in,
The Gift Of A Friend.

When Your Hope Crashes Down,
Shattering To The Ground.
You You Feel all alone,
when you Don't know which way to go,
and theres no signs leading you home.
You're not alone.

The World Comes Alive And Everythings Right,
From Begining To End.
When You Have A Friend By Your side,
That Helps You To Find,
The Beauty you are When You Open Your Heart and Believe in,
When You Believe in,
You Can Believe in,
The Gift Of A Friend.

The Gift Of A Friend

Jumat, 04 September 2009

Penyakit lama

..Penyakit lama??apakah itu??entahlah..
hmmm...kalo diitung-itung ak udh 3 kali buat blog..Yap..!dengan alasan yang sama...
hhahaha..yaa..itu penyakit ak yang susssaaah banget untuk disembuhin..ada yang tau gak obatnya apa'an?
apakah penyakit tersebut bawaan sejak lahir,atau gara-gara terlalu banyak mikrin akang Nick Jonas??
Well..I don't know..
Untungnya saja penyakit lama saya itu tidak terlalu parah, kalo sampai tidak ingat jenis kelamin sendiri itu sudah paraaah banget!


Langka banget itu lagu...huaah...udah cari sana-sini gak nemu juga.. Lagunya Nicholas Jonas yang "Wrong Again" sama "Nick J is off the chain" .. uugh..c'mon..ada yang bisa bantu gak??
Hmm...waktu itu udah nemu sih d 4shared ..cumaaa...udah di hapus !

Ahh..gilaaa! kalo 2 lagu itu udah dapet,,lengkap deh semua lagu Jonas .. :DD

kalo ada yang tau...kasii link nya k gw yaa?!
thank youuu.. :))

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Demi Lovato - Catch me

Minggu kemaren baru dibeliin CD nya Demi yang baru..seneng deh...tapi ak paling suka sama lagunya yang Catch me..Ini lirik nya..

Before I fall too fast
Kiss me quick
But make it last
So i can see how badly this will hurt me
When you say good bye

Keep it sweet
Keep it slow
Let the future pass
And don’t let go
But tonight i could fall to soon into this beautiful moonlight

But your so hypnotizing
You got me laughing while i sing
You got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
And your love is where i’m falling
But please don’t catch me

See this heart
Wont settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
l’m terrified of what you’ll do
my stomach screams just when I look at you

Run far away
So I can breath
Even though your far from suffocating me
I can’t set my hopes to high
Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye

But your so hypnotizing
You’ve got me laughing while I sing
You’ve got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where i’m falling
But please don’t catch me

So now you see
Why I’m scared
I cant open up my heart without a care
But here i go
Its what i feel
and for the first time in my life i know its real

But you’re so hypnotizing
You’ve got me laughing while I sing
You’ve get me smiling in my sleep
And i can see this unraveling
And your love is where i’m falling
So please don’t catch me

And if this is love
Please don’t break me
I’m giving up
So just catch me


Hmm..tadi baru aja buka nickjonline.com ,udah lama sih gak buka ..
Ketemu deh pics yang keren-keren ..Hehehe..ak ambil deh ntu pics.. ini contoh pic nya..

Ada lagi nih.....

Mau lagi...???Boleh ..Boleh..

..segitu aja yah yang ak liatin ...Cape upload nya .. :P hehehe

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009


Gak penting banget sih .. :P

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Justin Bieber :)

Eh...tau justin bieber kan...??
ihh...ya ampuuunn..... anak itu cakep bangeetttt!!!!!!!!!
sumpah ! gak nahan!!! http://www.emocutez.comsuara nya juga oke!

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Chatting with Nick Jonas *poser I think*

Hha.....Gk penting bgt...These only my conversation with nick jonas *poser maybe?* on MSN

nick says:


Astria says:


nick says:

are you there

Astria says:


nick says:



Astria says:

wht r u doin??

nick says:

Wrote a song

and play guitar

Astria says:

Nickkkk...u r so amazing...

nick says:


Astria says:

So,,how's the tour?

nick says:




Astria says:

hahaha..yeah..b'cuz you guys r so cool

nick says:



do you like me


i photo today

for msn

Astria says:


What time is it??In your place??

nick says:


Astria says:

am or pm??

nick says:


Astria says:

woow...why you don't put your pic on MSN??

nick says:

i put

Astria says:

but,I didn't see it..

nick says:


Astria says:

Hey,,I was heard JB will come to Indonesia...Is that true??

Nick says:


Astria says:


Nick says:

hm ask joe

i really



joe sleep

Astria says:

Hehehehe....R u not tired??

Nick says:

yes i'am

but i no can sleep

Astria says:


Nick says:


i send messages to miley

Astria says:


My friends want to chat with u

Nick says:

who friend

Astria says:

never mind...she don't believe u r the real..

Nick says:

ok she can chat

with me

if she wont

Astria says:

No...she won't..

Nick sends:

You have failed to receive file "6e78e5407e1b8eb16fb07bbc14755171.jpg" from Nick.

Nick says:


Astria says:

what is that?

Nick says:


how you get me msn?

Astria says:

awesum...I really wanna own your guitar...lol

Nick says:

you don't answer

Astria says:

From Joe's fb

Nick says:


my msn is private 1 year

and i only had msn of demi,selena,joe,ashley,taylor and miley

Astria says:

Woow...so...your msn really private..huh??

Nick says:


but joe does on facebook

Astria says:

You don't have facebook??

Nick says:


Astria says:

How about kevin??

Nick says:

what about him

Astria says:


Btw,do u have an account on bebo??

Nick says:


Astria says:

So...u just have MSn??

Nick says:


Astria says:

ok...I really glad to chat with u..

Nick says:

me too with you

Nick says :


Astria says:

thx... Hey..Get on msn again..and tell me when you come to Indonesia...


Nick says:


joe will tell you

when he come to msn

Astria says:


Nick says:


Astria says:


Doo daa doo..let the poser goooo....


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